Saturday, October 23, 2010

soo grateful

Kay, the weeks just speed right on by hurr in O-Town (Orem). I have school Mon.-Thurs. & work all day Friday and Saturday.. lately. I can't even explain how fast time goes by here. HOLY FETCH.
Anyyywaysssssssss, thought of a story I wanted to share.

So a few weekends ago I randomly got like extremely homesick. I had been surprised I hadn't hardly been homesick at all till this ONE day. So there was a little(okay a lot) drama goin on in our apt. this same day. Finally after all the drama, at the end of the day me and C were the only ones left at home. We had a deep chatty & both of us just started bawling. Like.. it was bad.
Turns out this same weekend I had been house slash dog sitting for my cousins. Holler at Brad, Catherine and little Isla, I love that little family. Anyfetch, so I went to their gorgeous little home to feed the doggie. Still crying, obviously. After this whole day I just wanted to move home. C called me a few hours later (yep, me still crying) and asked if I wanted to go to Maverick, bless her heart cause i just luhhhh mavwick :) So on her way to come pick me up she somehow ran over a hanger. A HANGER. Who just throws a hanger in the road? So if you can imagine, for a sec, a hanger all twisted up and stuck in her tire, k thanks. Not a pretty picture. So pretty much, our day couldn't have gotten any worse after this.. right? While we were outside my cousins house trying to figure out what to do, their neighbor came over to see what happened. He had heard the loud/annoying flapping of the hanger hitting the car. He asked what had happened, and offered to help us. Then, he kidnapped us. Hahaaa just kidding, got ya right? But anywayss, he ended up being SO sweet and randomly way kinda hot. You know that kind..? So he spent like an hour fixing the tire for us. We kept saying thanks, and we told her we owed him a treat or something. He said to us, "Can't someone do something nice for someone with nothing in return? What has this world come to?"
Since that night I realized there really are good people out there. Sometimes I feel like its me against the world, ya know? We all need to be a little (or a lot) nicer. That guy completely turned our day around. When you do something for someone, don't expect anything in return. Solely do it because you know you're helping someone out. That should be enough.
Welp, glad this was a novel and a half, but hopefully I made a point.
So much love,
P.s. I don't wanna move home anymore, I am loving it. I just really miss my family!!

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