Sunday, November 7, 2010

its all in your mind.

Since I moved this has all really hit me. We all remember the little train that "could". He told himself he could get up and over the hill, and he did it.

I really, honestly believe it's true though! I think if we set our mind to someting, and tell ourselves we can do it, with NO doubts at all-the world is ours.
Haha, sooo cheesy, and sounds so easy and simple right? Sometimes it literally is. But sometimes its the hardest thing in the world. The easiest person to give into is yourself, I mean think about it. This makes me think of so many examples.. here we go!

1. Those LAME power balance bracelets

Okay, so they're like the new livestrong bracelet right?! NO! At least the livestrong bracelet has good meaning, and I personally think they do the exact same thing. I will argue with any person who is wearing one of these. It is all in your mind. You put on this bracelet and automaticially think its going to make you "better than you are"- duh you're already thinking its going to help. Its a total mental process. I mean more power to you if you want to wear one...(Mom) haha but, you can do it yourself, without some lame bracelet.

2. Working out

Just think about sometime when you were running or lifting or something.. and thought you couldn't go any farther, or lift any longer.. and pushed yourself to keep going. I've done this so many times. 5 more minutes.. 1 more mile, If our mind tells our body we can do it, we will. Its all in our mind and has nothing to do with our bodies.


3. Faking sick

I think back to all those times I faked sick in high school, really like at least twice a month. But I actually remember telling my mom I was sick with something, and she treated me like I had that illness, and you really start to feel like you do! I remember tons of times saying my stomach hurt, and it would start to hurt. Don't lie you've all experienced this too!
When I had Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, before surgery, at cheer people would ask me if I was hurting, or was in pain, when I was perfectly fine; and it would make me hurt! Thinking about it in my mind would cause me to start to feel that pain.

4. Lying
Sometimes even a little white lie like.. how you got your scar, or why you were late one night- telling that story more than once to someone and you start to believe that's the truth! I know a few people who lie so much they begin to belive their lies. It's like they're living a lie, but don't even realize it.

    Soooooo.. it's easy to see the whole mind set thing can be either positive, or negative. Lets just hope we choose positive. Whether its with our career, appearance- any thing you want to improve or be better at, start for your goal with not one doubt in your mind that you will fail. Just be positive and belive you can do it.. and you will.
    I think the real point of this post is to motivate... mostly myself though! I just feel like the past couple months I've been stuck in such a rut. I just need more motivation to be different, and accept change as a good thing. The past 4 years I've had cheer to rely on for always being busy. Welp, turns out I'm graduated and not cheering anymore. I need to find a new hobby, or switch something up. I just need some kind of new awesome change. Now only if I knew what I need..
Any ideas? I want to know what you guys think about this!
Stay motivated. Next post I will be a lot more. Promise.


P.S. Nordstrom half yearly sale?! HECK YEAH!

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