Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Perfectly Imperfect?

I'm blogging. I'm blogging when I should be doing homework and studying for my test in the morning. Want to know why I'm blogging? I'm blogging because finally in my crazy non-stop life, I've been inspired to write. 

When you hear the world perfect what do you imagine? Is it that gorge celeb that is always dressing so amazing? Is it a new born baby? Is it a radiant, delish, greasy piece of pizza? (yeah, I went there)

Something that has hit me hard the past 6 months is that perfection to me.. is imperfection. Cliche' right? NOPE.. well maybe. But just listen, k?

Think about someone that you know and love so much. What makes you love them? Is it how pretty they are? I mean its great to have gorgeous friends (trust me, I know, I got bunches), but I HIGHLY doubt thats the reason you are drawn towards them and love them so much. Is it their crazy-loud cackle of a laugh? Is it the way they motivate you to want to be better? The way they are more obsessed with diet coke than you are? The way they will befriend anybody? The way they can make you laugh at any given moment? Or just the fact that they are a good person and have a good heart?... Yeah, thought so.

Even JB agrees with the whole imperfect/perfect thing. 1:03-1:08 THANK YOU JUSTIN. <3

So the point of this post is to help reiterate how beautiful being different is. Sometimes we get down on ourselves because we don't like something about ourselves. This is what I think,
if it is something un-changeable (weight, hair, etc.), then GET OVER IT AND EMBRACE IT. Sometimes a little change can make us feel a hundred times better about ourselves. Like coloring your hair, going tanning or losing 10 pounds. But accept the things about you that you can't change, they are there for a reason.

Easier said than done right? Straight up, there are quite a few things I'm self-conscious about too. It's just learning to accept those things.

The little quirks about us that maybe we don't like so much are what makes us unique and makes us beautiful. When I look at people and find them extremely gorgeous its because of something that makes them different and stand out. Whether it be their eyebrows, their body shape, the shape of their teeth- the list goes on and on.

Hopefully we will all get to the point that we realize what really makes a person beautiful is how they are  on the inside. Because the older I get, the more and more I realize it.

A little blast to the gorgeous past with this song, but the Goo Goo Dolls once said in their song Slide, "What you feel is what you are, and what you are is beautiful." 

So start to love yourself. Find what makes you unique, and start to embrace it. Because I will bet you one day, soon enough, you will fall head over heels, absolutely in love with someone who finds your quirks the most beautiful thing about you. 

What makes you different makes you gorge, so ROCK it friends. 

love you all. and i'm willing to list every single little thing that makes each of you beautiful if you want me to, cause pretty sure I know some of the most beautiful people alive.

I feel like this post is just a lot of rambling, but hope you all get the picture. 

1 comment:

  1. this post was literally the perfect end to my perfect day. loved it, and you look extremely gorge as a banana.

    love/miss you!
