Sunday, January 9, 2011


And semester two has started.
So I signed up for this Reporting for the Media class. I went the first day excited to learn about part of the career I hopefully will go into someday... The day turned around fast.
The teacher almost crushed my dreams. There was like 2 freshman in there, me being one of them. He told us how not fun journalism can be. He told us pretty much to NOT go into it. He told us the downfalls, the dirtiness and every negative thing possible. I left feeling useless. I left feeling like my future was just headed straight down the toilet. I left literally almost wanting to cry. Why would I ever even want to go into this lousy career?
So I did what any sad little 19 year-old would do.. I called my mommy.
Don't get me wrong. I usually always know what to do in these situations. I usually am never brought down by anybody else. I don't know what made me feel so small on this one cold, snowy day. But I wasn't myself. And I didn't know what to do.

I told her what he had said, and how I had felt. I told her how small he had made me feel.
Then my mom (and if you know her, this is so believable) said to me, "Lex, why would you let that idiot make you feel like that? After knowing this is what you want to do for so long, why would you let some stupid guy ruin that for you and make you feel incompetent?"

She was right! Like duh. I'm glad he did point out the negatives of that career field, because I obviously need to know such things. But what he definitely didn't do was tell us anything positive about journalism.
Every career has its downfalls, but if you love it enough and truly want to do it, then the positive things outweigh the negative things immensely.
So maybe I'm too naive and immature to take that class right now. It is full of older kiddies. Maybe the teacher is just a douche and doesn't realize what he is doing and saying. I'll go with a little bit of both ;)

The point of this post is to just say that no matter how dumb someone can make you feel; if you know what you are doing is right for you, and it's what you really want to do-- Who cares? If we all want to reach our dreams some day we can't let anyone stop us.

I know I'm only a freshman and things can change like so much within the next couple years, but if my plans do change, it will be because I knew it was what I was supposed to do.

Don't settle for anything less than you deserve or want. Anything is possible with perseverance and some hard work.


P.s. I dropped that class like it was hot. At least for now.

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